Course Description

“This course, visually beautiful and wise, has helped me to re-connect with my writing. I’m back at it again. Next time I stray, I know I’ll have this course in my back pocket to help me return.” – Angie Gallop

"THANK YOU for helping me find my creative side again, after so many years!" - Anna Proctor

Have you always wanted to write but things keep getting in the way: too busy, not enough time, that niggling thought that says, why bother?

Or maybe you are a writer but your practice has stalled?

Well, I'm here to help you get back to your stories - and stay there!

By the end of this online video course, you’ll have:

  • made a space in your home to work creatively
  • found the time to write
  • addressed a few of the most common blocks to writing regularly and practiced ways to overcome them
  • reconnected with the desire you feel to write
  • started to feel like a writer again or for the first time
  • chosen a meaningful project
  • learned how to purposefully look at your finished draft (without cringing or running away)

All this, in nine (plus one bonus step!) thoughtful and creative video lessons, that you can do at your own pace and that you’ll be able to return to again and again.

So, come, and write with me!

Discover how you can move past the barriers between you and your writing and build and sustain the practice you’ve always wanted.

Still not sure? Click on 'Free Trial' to meet me in the 'Welcome' video and to check out my lesson on the importance of self-forgiveness.

Writer and Writing Coach

Lauren Carter

Lauren Carter is the author of Swarm, a novel that was named one of the Top 40 books that could change Canada by the CBC and Lichen Bright, a collection of poetry. Her next poetry collection will be out in 2019 and her second novel is currently on submission to publishers through her agent. Her work has also appeared in Best Canadian Short Stories 2015  (edited by John Mecalf) and she has won or been long-listed for a variety of writing prizes, including the CBC literary awards. She holds an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from the University of Guelph, practices as a writing coach and has taught writing at the post-secondary level and in workshops from one end of North America to the other. Visit her at, where she blogs about her writing practice, coaching, and the general (often challenging) stuff of life and words in Manitoba, Canada.

Course curriculum

  • 2

    Getting Started

    • Step One: Make A Space

    • Step Two: Make A Time

    • Step Three: Forgive Yourself

  • 3


    • Step Four: Get A Snow Globe

    • Step Five: Focus On Desire

    • Step Six: Explore

  • 4

    Working & Finishing

    • Step Seven: Commit

    • Step Eight: Make Choices

    • Step Nine: Finishing

  • 5

    Bonus Step & Material

    • Bonus Step

    • Reading List


5 star rating

Encouragement, inspiration and practical steps

Cheryl Sadowski

Lauren's online class was precisely the tonic I needed to re-ignite my writing practice. I listened to these nine sessions in my car on the way to work and l...

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Lauren's online class was precisely the tonic I needed to re-ignite my writing practice. I listened to these nine sessions in my car on the way to work and looked forward every morning to the encouragement and counsel she provided. Through personal stories, anecdotes, quotes and practical tips, Lauren's coaching inspired me to identify my writing goals and commit to them. I recommend this course to anyone who needs an extra nudge to start new works or to keep going with existing projects.

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5 star rating

Lauren got me writing again!

Anna Proctor

Hi Lauren, I just wanted to say, I love your writing course, the nine simple steps one. I started it way back, and have kept going back to is very fo...

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Hi Lauren, I just wanted to say, I love your writing course, the nine simple steps one. I started it way back, and have kept going back to is very forgiving that way. It has gotten me to the point where from not writing at all, except for my editorial for the paper once every two months, i have a spot to write, and sit down each morning and write for an hour! I am working on two different projects! THANK YOU for helping me find my creative side again, after so many years! It has also encouraged me to move away from arts admin and into editing and writing for a living. So much thanks to you!

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